The diagnostics of the X-ray beam properties has a critical importance at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser facility. Besides existing diagnostic components, utilization of a diamond sensor was proposed to achieve radiation-hard, non-invasive beam position and pulse energy measurements for hard X-rays1. In particular, at very hard X-rays diamond-based sensors become a useful complement to gas-based devices which lose sensitivity due to significantly reduced gas cross-sections. A semiconductor detector based on a single crystal chemical vapor deposition (scCVD) diamond with a duo-lateral configuration for position sensitivity was proposed and successfully used at the synchrotron environment2. The first results obtained with a similar diamond sensor placed in the photon tunnel of European XFEL demonstrates pulse-resolved X-ray beam position within less than 1% uncertainty at 2.25 MHz3. The measurements presented in this work were performed with diamond sensors having similar properties and structure but with a different resistive coating. Here pulse-resolved beam intensity and position measurements performed at the Material Imaging and Dynamics (MID)4 instrument at the European XFEL are presented.