

X-ray self-heating is a common by-product of X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) techniques that can affect targets, optics, and other irradiated materials. Diagnosis of heating and induced changes in samples may be performed using the x-ray beam itself as a probe. However, the relationship between conditions created by and inferred from x-ray irradiation is unclear and may be highly dependent on the material system under consideration. Here, we report on a simple case study of a titanium foil irradiated, heated, and probed by a MHz XFEL pulse train at 18.1 keV delivered by the European XFEL using measured x-ray diffraction to determine temperature and finite element analysis to interpret the experimental data. We find a complex relationship between apparent temperatures and sample temperature distributions that must be accounted for to adequately interpret the data, including beam averaging effects, multivalued temperatures due to sample phase transitions, and jumps and gaps in the observable temperature near phase transformations. The results have implications for studies employing x-ray probing of systems with large temperature gradients, particularly where these gradients are produced by the beam itself. Finally, this study shows the potential complexity of studying nonlinear sample behavior, such as phase transformations, where biasing effects of temperature gradients can become paramount, precluding clear observation of true transformation conditions.




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