

The European XFEL project is a 4th generation light source producing spatially coherent 80fs short photon x-ray pulses with a peak brilliance of 1032-1034 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% BW in the energy range from 0.26 to 24 keV at an electron beam energy 14 GeV. Six experiment stations will start data taking in fall 2015. In order to provide a simple, homogeneous solution, the DAQ and control systems group at the European XFEL are standardizing on COTS control hardware for use in experiment and photon beam line tunnels. A common factor within this standardization requirement is the integration with the Karabo software framework of Beckhoff TwinCAT 2.11 or TwinCAT3 PLCs and EtherCAT. The latter provides the high degree of reliability required and the desirable characteristics of real time capability, fast I/O channels, distributed flexible terminal topologies, and low cost per channel. In this contribution we describe how Beckhoff PLC and EtherCAT terminals will be used to control experiment and beam line systems. This allows a high degree of standardization for control and monitoring of systems.




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