

The main focus of the present thesis lies on the development and application of numerical approaches based on quantum lattice models to describe collective excitations in strongly correlated materials. To this end, an efficient and balanced dual triply irreducible local expansion (D-TRILEX) approach that captures the major effects of spatial correlations in strongly correlated fermionic systems is presented, which is based on partial bosonization of the collective electronic fluctuations. Thereby, a specific choice of the bare interaction in the corresponding channel of instability allows a simultaneous description of collective excitations in different channels without facing the Fierz ambiguity problem which usually arises in methods based on partial bosonization. Compared to more elaborate methods, D-TRILEX does not require the computation of the numerically expensive four-point vertex. Furthermore, taking into account only the leading longitudinal contribution of the bosonic modes to the self-energy reduces the complexity of the diagrammatic structure drastically making the method applicable to more complex realistic multi-orbital systems. As the main result of this thesis, the D-TRILEX approach is introduced and its limit of applicability is studied by applying it to the two-dimensional single-band Hubbard model. Performing a comprehensive diagrammatic analysis by comparing D-TRILEX with methods, which consider different sets of diagrams and different approximations for the four-point vertex, we find that contributions that are not considered by the partially bosonized approximation of the four-point vertex have only a minor effect on electronic degrees of freedom and the longitudinal bosonic modes taking into account in D-TRILEX self-energy are the leading ones in a broad range of control parameters. After investigating the applicability of the D-TRILEX approach we apply the method to study collective electronic effects in the hole-doped InSe monolayers using a realistic electronic-structure model. Thereby, we find that due to the weakly screened long-range Coulomb interaction the system shows a charge density waves phase for the broad range of considered parameters, however, inside this regime we have found a coexisting ferromagnetic phase. D-TRILEX can be considered as an approximation of the more elaborate dual boson (DB) theory, which accounts for local correlations within the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) and nonlocal correlations perturbatively. As a further result of this thesis, we investigate the weak coupling regime of the two-dimensional single-band Hubbard model within the ladder DB approximation and compare our results to the numerically exact diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo (DiagMC) method. We find that the DB method qualitatively captures all the different regimes. Even quantitatively DB shows a good agreement with the exact results for single- and two-particle quantities at high and moderate temperatures. However, the ladder approximation slightly underestimates the strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations that appear in the system at low temperatures. As the final result of this thesis, we perform a parametrization of the local four-point vertex in terms of the (three-point) Hedin vertex and screened interactions in the framework of single-boson exchange (SBE) decomposition. Similar to the D-TRILEX approach the computational costs are reduced by neglecting the interaction-irreducible part of the four-point vertex. The approximated vertex is used to calculate the DMFT susceptibility for different interaction strengths at different temperatures. We find that the approximation shows a good agreement in the limits of weak and strong couplings. Thereby, our study highlights the importance of the Hedin vertex for local vertex corrections.




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