Gotthard-II is a charge-integrating microstrip detector developed for experiments and diagnostics at free-electron lasers using hard X-rays of 5 keV–20 keV. Thanks to its excellent single photon sensitivity, large dynamic range as well as high frame rate of 4.5 MHz in burst mode, its potential scientific applications include X-ray absorption/emission spectroscopy, hard X-ray high resolution single-shot spectrometry (HiREX), beam diagnostics, as well as veto signal generation for pixel detectors. The Gotthard-II ASIC has been designed and fabricated using UMC-110 nm technology. The final ASIC design and performance in terms of noise, linearity, dynamic range, coupling between channels and speed will be discussed in the paper. In addition, a first measurement of an X-ray absorption spectrum of a standard copper sample has been done. The performance of the Gotthard-II in an experiment using energy dispersive X-rays has been demonstrated.