Several kinds of gas-based diagnostics devices are developed by the X-ray diagnostics group (WP74) and placed in the beam transport system. These are in particular: Gas-based photo-emission spectrometers (PES) for spectral analysis. Gas-based beam intensity monitors (XGMD’s). Gas-based beam position monitors (XBPM’s). Depending on different requirements, these devices can operate with different gases (Xe, Ne, Ar, Kr and even N2), running within a pressure range that varies typically from 1·10-6 mbar up to 5·10-4 mbar (Currently R&D activities in WP74 are ongoing that explore the usable parameter space of these devices.) Since a windowless system is highly desirable, a differential pumping scheme is mandatory to provide the required drop in pressure down to the average beamline values (< 9·10-8 mbar). This system should be able to minimize as much as possible the flow of the above mentioned noble gases to the rest of the X-Ray beam transport system, and being able at the same time to maximize the optical clear aperture between pumping stages. This document introduces a general overview about the design process and test procedures developed so far as part of the R&D activities of the WP-73 (X-Ray Optics & Beam Transport) Group.