The European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources (EUCALL) held its Second Annual Meeting at ESRF during June 7–9, 2017. EUCALL groups accelerator- and laser-driven light sources, and consists of European XFEL, DESY, the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), ESRF, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Lund University, PSI, and Elettra Synchrotron, as well as the European networks LaserLab-Europe and FELs of Europe. Within the EUCALL project, the laser and accelerator communities collaborate for the first time in a comprehensive way on technical, scientific, and strategic issues. These activities primarily relate to technical developments for advanced software and hardware for use at the different types of light source. A further focus is on identification of synergies between the two communities, for optimization and efficient use of the consortium of facilities. At the Second Annual Meeting, 64 scientists and engineers from the participating facilities gathered at the ESRF to discuss the progress of their joint activities, to plan for the final 16 months of the project, and to propose possible future collaborations following the end of EUCALL's EU funding period in October 2018.