The XrayFeed device of Karabo is designed to provide spatial X-ray beam stability in terms of drift compensation utilizing different diagnostic components at the European XFEL (EuXFEL). Our feedback systems proved to be indispensable in cutting-edge pump-probe experiments at EuXFEL. The feedback mechanism is based on a closed loop PID control algorithm to steer the beam position measured by a so-called diagnostic devices to the desired centered position via a defined actuator adjusting the alignment of X-ray optical elements, in our case a flat X-ray mirror system. Several diagnostic devices and actuators can be selected according to the specific experimental area where a beam position feedback is needed. In this contribution, we analyze the improvement of pointing stability of X-rays using different diagnostic devices as an input source for our feedback system. Different types of photon diagnostic devices such as gas-based X-ray monitors, quadrant detectors based on avalanche photo diodes and optical cameras imaging the X-ray footprint on scintillator screens have been evaluated in our pointing stability studies.